Writers may not need readers, but this reader needs this writing!! You have somehow managed to distill into beautiful language and metaphor what is at the deepest center of our human soul’s project. I can see why Spirit is calling you to write. I honor you, friend. With profound respect for these words you have shared.

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Your words leave me humbled and grateful. Thank you so much. I value your opinion.

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It takes courage to write in such an honest way and to be seen. Yet how beautiful to know that this whole time you have been seen and loved. It seems so natural for you to be a writer due to your connection with Spirit and the Earth, along with your reflective nature. I look forward to reading more and seeing the color and patterns of your wings after the goo stage!

I can relate to wanting to hide, that is my first line of defense. This inspired me on my journey, so I printed it out to add to one of my journals.

As I mentioned to you, I love the image of your tower analogy. About a year ago, as my tower fell on most levels, and emotionally more recently, I imagined myself jumping off a cliff and landing in someone's arms. But after a while, I realized perhaps I was to grow wings instead. I must admit, the order was more: tower falling, hitting the ground (rock bottom), and growing stubby wings that barely get me off the ground, but hey, one of these days they will be fully developed wings. In the meantime, I am going to visualize both of our more ideal images! :)

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Thanks Michelle. Your wings are definitely growing larger and larger. I cherish your words and your friendship.

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I love this so much and will hold you in my heart.

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Thank you.

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Lena, I relate to so much of what you shared here.. I too have been in this sort of death/rebirth phase where all of these old stories and structures in my own life are crumbling around me; a lot of them of a very similar theme, especially around abandonment wounds for me this time around. And with five placements in Scorpio, lord I felt you on the hiding insecurities as well 😅 I loved the way you put it when you said that you thought you were an outside but that you had already been accepted and people were waiting for you to see. So much resonance there for me as well. I love your writing and your stories and I’m so glad you choose to share them here with us. Sending you so much love as you navigate this unraveling and becoming and step into this next phase of your journey. ❤️

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Thank you for your kind words dear Peyton.

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